Wednesday, January 28, 2009


My older children got on the school bus this morning... then it began to snow! It snowed enough (as you can see from the picture- it doesn't take much!) that they canceled afternoon Kindergarten and kept the morning Kindergartners at school all day instead of half day. David was not disappointed for another snow day! It all melted by the afternoon when the bus came home.

2009-01-27 10-58-39cropped


Beth said...

I am SOOOOO ready for the sun to come back!!!! I'm forgetting what it looks like. Ugh... LOL! Your boys look cute though playing in it... I suppose the snow gives us some fun pics!

Handsfullmom said...

I was in Portland years ago when it snowed a half inch -- and the entire city shut down! It was so amazing to me that no one knew how handle it -- people were driving 10 miles an hour on the interstate. Here, we got slammed twice this year with 8 to 10 inches of snow, and they won't even cancel school.