Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Marshmallow Shooting

2010-07-27 10-07-15_web I cut a PVC pipe for each of them (and a friend) and  Andrew designed targets in Photoshop.  They put mini marshmallows in the PVC pipe and blew them at the targets. They kept track of their bullseyes by putting the marshmallow on the fence.  Steven decided to just eat his marshmallows. Then they found a new target…2010-07-27 10-11-19_webThose hit my forehead. 2010-07-27 10-33-05_webThat one hit and stuck to my camera lens.


Rob Archibald said...

Great pictures! Looks like loads of fun. Wish I were there :)

Beth said...

Wahahaha! Ick... I wouldn't want to be cleaning marshmallow off of my camera lens! Hee hee hee... so fun though... you're a great mom!

Handsfullmom said...

Great photos -- you're such a fun mom.

Kids! said...

love the activity and thank heavens for the uv filter! :) love the pics too!